Drinks Marketing Campaigns need Printed Wine Collars and Bottle Hangers

Bold and Showy Printed Wine Collars work!

“Always look on the bright side of life” as the song goes and as was performed by Eric Idle in the London 2012 closing ceremony.  I agree with the lyrics entirely, we should always be cheery whatever life throws at us and we all respond to something bright, colourful and bold.  This is why for your next drinks marketing campaigns you need printed wine collars and bottle hangers to make your bottles stand out from the crowd.


Printed Wine Collars come in all shapes and sizes

The printed wine collars come in lots of shapes and sizes which is why I know that there is one just perfect for your drinks marketing campaign. Whatever bottled product you are promoting there is a bottle collar style ideally suited to it.  The Rosette Bottle Bow is one of my favourites and with bright and colourful print design will certainly encourage your customers to “give a whistle” when purchasing your bottles.  The rosette shape is ideal for drinks marketing campaigns since rosettes are associated with awards and winning which is a very positive association indeed.  This style has a large print area and fits snugly around the bottle neck.

Vibrant Colours for your Printed Wine Collars attract customers

The Bottle Tower is a bottle collar with sloping sides that slips on your bottle necks in seconds and has print area on the four sides for an all-round display area. It is ideal for your drinks marketing campaigns and will “Keep ’em laughing as they go”.  The main advantage to this shape is that it gives a display from every angle and your customers simply cannot miss it and will pick up your bottle out of curiosity and be purchasing before you know it!

Unusual Swatch Card Bottle Hangers

Our Bottle Hangers come in a huge variety; however for a “mini booklet” effect and something your customers will keep you need the Swatch Card Bottle Hanger. It slips over your bottle neck and customers will not only be attracted to it immediately but after purchase they will keep it. We have made the swatch card detachable from the bottle hanger to ensure that the consumer will be encouraged to put the swatch in a pocket or handbag.”This’ll help things turn out for the best” as the same song goes!

For more drinks marketing and advertising ideas see popupmailers and whitneywoods