Attracting Visitors and Exhibitors – Pop-up Pen Pots could hold the Key for Events Organizers

The effects of the credit crunch and the subsequent events have hit every branch of the advertising and marketing industry hard. Account executives are working like crazy to keep client companies on board and to encourage marketing directors to stay strong and to maintain marketing budgets. Creative directors are wracking their brains to come up with that magic ingredient in order to make a success of advertising and marketing campaigns. Events management companies, exhibition organizers and events professionals are experiencing that same struggle to find products that work – products to attract visitors and exhibitors alike.

Leaflets, booklets and pamphlets are struggling to do the trick and events managers are looking towards items that are more persuasive in order to boost interest. Their search leads to items such as marketing products with automatic pop-up action and high interactive content. However, an event publicity product doesn’t have to be an all-action, whiz-bang item – in fact there is one product that has a quite sedate pop-up action and only a small degree of interaction but it has two vital plus points – functionality and longevity.

A pen holder is a great idea for events as it ticks all of the boxes required of a piece of events publicity material. The pen pots are supplied flat and they fit comfortably in an A5 envelope, which makes them very easy to mail. They pop-up into a full 3-D shape to make a sturdy desk tidy with a simple single push and this single interactive movement is what captures the attention of the target audience. The pen pot will not be treated like a leaflet or pamphlet and filed or binned; it will remain on a customer’s desk which gives it a life that extends well beyond the dates of the event. These points stack up to a product that is perfect as an event invite or an invitation to an exhibition or conference. It is no surprise to see the pen holder in our collection of marketing and publicity materials for events and exhibitions – The Events Emporium.

The functionality of the desk tidy makes it an appropriate giveaway for more serious events such as a conference or seminar where some high action pop-ups might be seen as being a little frivolous for the target audience. The interactive movement is sufficiently appealing to create interest and the resulting product has a good, sturdy feel. The fact that it will be kept on a desktop for several months only adds to the products suitability as a conference or exhibition handout.

Another idea to add longevity is that pen pots are often printed as calendars to increase the usefulness of the product and also to ensure that its desktop life will be at least 12 months. This idea could be extended to its use as a calendar of events by highlighting dates on the calendar when events take place. This could be for a series of concerts, a travelling production, a promotional road show or for a series of sporting fixtures.

Pen Pal Events Publicity Product