Alternative Idea for Christmas – A Hexagonal Pop-Up Calendar

Choosing Company Christmas Card can be a thankless task. If your sales and marketing director passes the choice on to you then you have a have a job on your hands. There are several things to consider. The product must say something positive about your company. It must be a “today” product as so many traditional cards are now considered “non-pc”. It must have a look that is sympathetic to your own company image and it must be better than the cards that are sent to your customer by your competitors.

One way to cut through the hassle is to think laterally and send something else to convey your annual greeting instead of a Christmas card. One range of items can tick all of the boxes – a pop-up calendar. We have several pop-up options that lend themselves to being produced as promotional calendars and the most recent addition to our range is called a Hexapop.

The shape of this promotional pop-up product is correctly described as a hexagonal bipyramid but we have decided that the name Hexapop will suffice for now! The Hexapop falls into the same category as similar products – the Snowflake and the Johnson 13 – inasmuch as they can be printed to look like precious stones or jewels. At Christmas time, they can be made to look like seasonal decorations and by adding a of a loop of decorative string to the Hexapop, you could transform the product into a promotional hexagonal Christmas tree decoration.

However, the hexagonal Hexapop has 12 triangular faces and this makes it ideal as a promotional desk top calendar with one date per triangle and six months per side. It comes with its own custom printed mailing pack and makes a stress-free choice as a company greeting at Christmas.

Hexapop - Pop Up Calendar