Charity Cardboard Collection Boxes and Pop up Money Box

Attention Grabbing Charity Cardboard Collection Boxes

Whether you are publicising a well-established Charity, organising a one-off fund raising event or simply wanting to add fun to a direct mail campaign a pop up money box grabs attention easily. Add a little bit of novelty to your campaign and you appeal to everyone and cannot be ignored.

Pop up Cuboid – Charity Cardboard Collection Boxes

The Pop up Cuboid pop up money box is a great way to raise awareness for your charitable cause and will be full of donations in no time. Whether used as a Direct Mail piece or as point of sale display or reception-top cardboard collection boxes the Pop up Cuboid looks substantial and with purpose.  As a direct mail item it leaps from its custom mailer and springs into action much to the delight of the recipient and creates a talking point too.  Whether you have a serious message or you have designed your Pop up Money Box for a bit of fun – a “swear box” or a “fines box” the cardboard collection boxes attract maximum attention and focus.

Pop up House – Raise the Roof

The Pop up Money Box House shape reminds me of a money box my little girl had many years ago, it is so sweet and has been designed for numerous charitable campaigns.  My favourite was when it was designed as a gingerbread house for a children’s charity; it was perfect for attracting attention and obtaining maximum exposure and more importantly contributions. Other ideas for your design of the house shape charity cardboard collection boxes are an office, a garden shed, a cottage and at Christmas time a Santa’s grotto.   Pop up House money boxes have also been successful when designed as part of a DM campaign for estate agencies, mortgage and insurance brokers and financial institutions.

More cost effective on a Lower Budget    

If initial outlay for your money boxes needs to be as low as possible then you may prefer the manual charity cardboard collection boxes instead.  Available in different sizes they will still attract attention and donations and are a more cost- effective way for you to promote your fund raising. 

For more charity and direct mail ideas see popupmailers