Pictures that Change offer terrific Marketing Solutions

cover dissolvesAre you looking for a professional and attention grabbing direct mail product? Then look no further than the Dissolving Picture range – superb products offering perfect marketing solutions for any campaign.  Open up the window and take in the stunning views and watch your response rates soar with these superb eye-catching and tactile designs. 


Open up – Cover Dissolve    

With this design the picture changes as you lift the cover; hence Cover Dissolve.  The standard size of the Cover Dissolve fits into a DL envelope; however we have made custom shapes and sizes and have been involved with designs to suit various advertising campaigns. “Before and after” is an obvious choice with the Cover Dissolve and successful examples I can think of that we have been involved with are for the Cosmetic Surgeons and Orthodontists.  Simply by opening up the cover your story begins and you can create marketing solutions to suit any occasion.


A Simple Tab Changes the Dissolving Picture 

The Dissolving Picture is a novel idea and in this instance you pull a tab to change the picture.  Being very tactile it offers the very best marketing solutions for many occasions and in addition to a direct mail piece it has worked successfully as a moving announcement card, a trade-show giveaway and even an event invitation.  As an event invitation it was for a company celebrating new ranges in their products and holding a product launch – feedback from this design was excellent, so much so that the same theme, the dissolving picture has been used for a direct mail campaign.


Double Dissolver Interactive Mailer

As the name suggests this style has not just one but two pictures that change – double the delight when your customer receives it! Obvious phrases come to mind – “now you see it, now you don’t” “Up and down”, “now and then” – in fact the list is endless with these amazing changing picture marketing solutions. Available in different sizes the Double Dissolver is certainly up there in the top charts for attention grabbing and is one of the very best interactive mailers.


For more ideas and demo videos see whitneywoods and popupmailers